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Users of Financial Statements

Internal and external users of financial statements

Who are the Users of Financial Reports

Beyond being merely summaries of figures and assertions, financial reports serve as essential instruments for meeting the various requirements of the users of financial statements. Regarding a company’s financial data, each of the users of financial statements has certain interests and concerns. Anyone who prepares, analyzes, or uses financial reports must be aware of these requirements.

Investors: Seeking Growth and Stability

Investors, whether they are individuals or large institutions, are fundamentally focused on maximizing returns and minimizing risks. Their main concern is how well a company can grow its profits and manage various business risks.


  • Return on Investment: They closely analyze revenue growth, profit margins, earnings per share, and potential for stock appreciation or dividends.
  • Risk Assessment: Investors are keen on understanding the company’s market position, competitive strategy, operational efficiencies, and overall industry health.

Key Financial Statements:

  • They rely heavily on the Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement to gauge profitability and cash management. The Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) section also offers valuable strategic insights.

Creditors and Lenders: Focused on Creditworthiness and Stability

Creditors and lenders have provided capital to the company and are primarily concerned with its ability to repay its debts. They look for signs of financial stability and good liquidity management.


  • Creditworthiness: The focus here is on assessing debt levels, liquidity ratios, and the company’s ability to meet its financial obligations.
  • Financial Stability: They examine long-term debt structures, asset quality, and capital expenditure to understand financial health and solvency.

Key Financial Statements:

  • The Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, and Notes to Financial Statements are critical for them to assess debt levels, liquidity, and specific terms of debt.

Employees: Concerned with Security and Benefits

For employees, the company’s financial health is directly linked to job security, compensation, and career opportunities. They look for signs of stability and a commitment to the workforce.


  • Job Security: Employees assess the company’s performance, growth prospects, and strategic decisions as indicators of stable and secure employment.
  • Profit Sharing and Benefits: They are interested in how the company’s profitability affects profit-sharing plans and employee benefits.

Key Financial Statements:

  • The Income Statement is crucial for understanding profitability. Additionally, the notes in the annual report provide insights into employee-related financial commitments and benefits.

Customers: Seeking Assurance of Longevity and Quality


  • Longevity of the Company: Customers look for signs of a company’s stability and sustainability, which ensures that they can rely on its products or services in the long term.
  • Corporate Health: They often perceive a company’s financial strength as an indicator of the quality and reliability of its offerings.

Key Financial Statements:

  • The Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) section provides insights into the business’s future outlook and strategy. Segment Reporting offers a closer look at the performance of different product lines, which is crucial for customers.

Suppliers: Focused on Financial Stability and Relationship Viability


  • Financial Stability: Suppliers need to know that the company can maintain its payment schedules, indicating stable cash flow.
  • Long-term Contracts: They are interested in the company’s viability for ongoing and potentially expanding business relationships.

Key Financial Statements:

  • The Cash Flow Statement is crucial for suppliers to understand the company’s payment capacity. Procurement disclosures in the annual report offer additional insights into the company’s procurement strategies and practices.

Government and Regulatory Bodies: Ensuring Compliance and Accuracy


  • Legal Compliance: These bodies require confirmation that the company adheres to financial and corporate laws.
  • Taxation: Accurate financial reporting is essential for proper taxation.

Key Financial Statements:

  • Compliance statements, External Audit Reports, and specific tax disclosures are key documents for these bodies. They ensure that the company is compliant with all regulatory requirements.

General Public and Media: Watching for Economic Impact and Corporate Responsibility


  • Economic Impact: The general public and media assess the company’s role in the local or national economy and its involvement in community initiatives.
  • Corporate Responsibility: Ethical practices, environmental sustainability, and social efforts are increasingly under scrutiny.

Key Financial Statements:

  • The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report, Sustainability Disclosures, and press releases provide insights into the company’s impact on the community and its ethical stance.


For stakeholders in any business, financial reports offer a wealth of information. Investors, creditors, and employees each have their specific lenses through which they view this data. Understanding these perspectives is not just beneficial; it’s essential for making informed decisions and strategies. So when you are preparing your accounts remember the users of financial statements and their requirements as these will determine whether the reports are useful.

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Users of Financial Statements

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